Freshen up. Eat this, drink this. People laugh and say 'eww' but food like this really does make you feel better. When you think about it, if the option was right there in front of you to have a healthier well being of life, compared to the sludge you may have now-the choice becomes easy to make. People always argue there isn't time to make a healthier lunch, or it's too expensive. Price is understandable,within reason but when it comes down to adding a few more days to your life calender I think it's better to say at least you have tried giving it a go, you have kicked yourself up the arse to live 'right'. Whether it comes down to losing an extra 30 minutes of sleep to prepare your meal or taking time out to research some other alternatives. When it comes down to life expectancy and quality of living (health here as the basic standard) 30 minutes out of our days will seem like nothing if it improves our well being and gives us more time to enjoy what we have around us. No-one would want to face the words, 'if you had done this, your life have had more time'...Black and white can make it simple sometimes, for the people who say they don't like certain things and give up after the first taste-if it is something proven to be beneficial why not say to yourself, ok I don't like it but I will keep at it for at least a couple of days, as long as your healthy changes don't cause more of a mental suffer than anything else.
Chores, or perhaps our 'commitments' can kill us slowly and wear us down and It would seem human nature takes its course that if something just isn't right for us anymore there is only so much we can take, so then we get rid of it quicker than we adopt to it in the first place. All comes into perspective when any given element in our lives aren't quite what we hope them to be. If they are too much stress for what it's worth. Kill it. Even if it's your 'belly'. I think that is one of the hardest things about health, because as much as it is all for ourselves a lot of the time we forget our own health doesn't just affect us as the individual. We all have our 'ties', our relationships and family. I am sure if what we do to ourselves had a physical affect on them too we would change our lifestyles in an instant-funny what one will do to self but won't do to another. There are always moments when the phrase 'little too late' applies, but lets not dwell too much on those-guilt may come about but please don't waste time beating yourself up about it or holding anger towards the people involved. The next step can only be the right step because this new path will be a journey into a better being. As the following words show, it takes something hardcore to happen to us to make us realise when a change needs to be made. Everyone goes through this. I think there is an apt importance for people to consider their well being a 'little too early' perhaps, at least then in a way you can in some ways get ahead of yourself and only improve your existence. It is healthy to analyse how you live right now. It is good to pin point what you like and don't like-it will only encourage you to make changes and live for the better.
Someone once told me that they don't feel guilt, because if they felt guilt they wouldn't do the things they do in their lives-everything he chooses to do he sees as right and therefore guilt doesn't exist. An example to this idea is when you eat something, and afterwards you feel guilt. The idea is that guilt becomes the kick up the butt, we all hate to feel it, we all hate feeling bad about ourselves. Guilt is the emotion we flow with in order to make an outcome of our actions. If you feel guilty about eating something, the next thing to do would be, don't eat it again. Why do something if afterwards you feel guilt towards it? I would say it becomes a wasted hobby. If we don't get enjoyment from something then there must be a balance, perseverance. Humans are creatures who only learn by doing, we learn from our 'mistakes' better than making none at all. Whether it is guilt or feeling unsure about doing something (though please don't take my words to the extreme in some areas) wouldn't it be better to have the outcome of, I didn't think I would like it in the first place but after giving it a try I have changed my mind, or the fact that giving something a try, at least then in your own head you won't be constantly wondering whether you could have done better or been more patient to the idea?
I wonder if thats what he meant. I find that often what comes out one persons mouth enters another persons ears in a totally different way. What I like is that ideas develope depending on who has them, when and how they are said and what mood people are in when the moment is happening. I woud wager that every thought spoken gets interpereted differently therefore either one person is correct or everyone is correct. I prefere to think everyone is corrrct