Sunday, 29 May 2011

Drugs and Canal Boat Festivals

I have just visited a canal boat festival. Due to the weather the attendance was very small. Even though there were few people around you could still sense the growth of community and desire to bring people together. It's events such as these you really appreciate, especially when they are hosted in quiet areas such as Neath, or more accurately Abergarwed. Most of the time no-body even knows where this place is, which also is a grace in itself. My experience in working in the local town hotel gave great scope in how many people come to this part of the country, from all areas. Nature is a beauty, it is all so green.

I never really appreciated the valleys of Wales because I moved here pretty quickly under my own will. Now that I get to fluctuate between the two lives of country and city, I only appreciate it more. Though this may sound crazy, when visiting small events such as these one does wonder what it would be like to attend whilst taking a substance, legal or illegal. The experience would differ and perhaps one would treat the environment differently and gain a different perspective. The thing is with drugs, be it alcohol or anything else, some may say they heighten the experience of things. I don't like that people take substances to make some experience more pleasant, in the sense that it wouldn't be any better without it. To go out, and enjoy ones self should be done without feeling any need to influence their own body with any extras. I think it wise to continue such event in its prime, naturally. The event should be given a chance. Perhaps only then should drugs be taken, to enhance the environment instead of escaping from it too. Of course there is always a level of escape which substances, but if you take anything and gain perspective from it, then I see no wrong. Just be safe, stay safe and use it safely. It further adds to my annoyance in the naivety when people preach about drugs being a no go what so ever. 

When I was a teen, I felt no need to drink before the legal age. I wanted to pace myself and 'take it' when I wanted, and not because everyone else wanted. I had nothing to prove and also I wasn't bored, as such, in my chosen activities. I find most teens drink these days because there is nothing else to do-I need not go on too much with this point for the time being, but perhaps it is something to consider for a later post.

Alcohol is a drug, and because it has been around for so long most have learned how to cope with it and use it in their own ways.  I think the government is scared that once most people in society have the right education in drugs, they would develop the intelligence to use them safely, exactly how the government advises in using alcohol safely too. Perhaps the government is too stubborn to accept that most people these days binge on substances for reasons out of their control. The government all the more try to avoid taking responsibility or blame for peoples actions. The thing is, I kind of pity the government-I can understand their fear in not wanting to legalise something just in case it kicks them in the arse and more deaths are caused at first. I think most people should learn to accept their own responsibility. I am sure recently there has been discussion in legalising drugs in small amounts. I look forward to seeing any development in this discussion.

More posts exploring the themes expressed here will no doubt come at a later date. Apologies for my brief and superficial explanations. I personally would rather not blog if I haven't got anything I feel substantial to talk about, though my desire to get ideas across in some way is just too overpowering to ignore.

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