Sunday, 29 May 2011

Slut Rut

Ironically this topic came up in discussion recently with myself and others as to what is a slut. Is it a girl who sleeps around, though isn't that just embracing sexual freedom? Is it a girl who dresses and shows all, yet is really displaying a fabulous figure in which she has probably worked hard for? Is a slut these days, someone who is aware of their sexual being and uses this to get things for her advantage? I don't even know whether that could be considered power and intelligence itself!

The meaning of slut these days, I am massively confused to what meaning it really should take accept the classical dictionary meaning. I think the alternative still lies in what would you call a man if he were to do the same things, man whore?! How can we de-feminise the meaning of the words whore, slut, slag or tart? Maybe sexual freedom needs a large revamp within the media and society itself.

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