Thursday, 30 June 2011

Self Diagnosis

There's a slight vulnerability in self diagnosis over the internet; the most ironic part is that we never have resolve. Who is to trust reading sources when we aren't qualified Doctors ourselves? All we end up doing is diagnosing self with more stress!

In a strange and contradicting sense, I think it is good that the internet provides so much amazing information, a new library adaptable and instant to our fingertips. When it comes to health, it's something we all need to treat with respect. As much as we learn from internet sources, we need to have faith in Doctors themselves. It can be a struggle to take time off work, to book appointments or register at the Doctors in the first place; though if one thinks about the circumstances to self if we let ourselves go, these particulars seem less important over the fear and doubt in kidding ourselves we are getting better-or even if there is nothing wrong.

To wonder is the worst, we all like resolve and need answers. Why put self through more stress? It is all so silly, and all the more harder to face the truth. But the truth may take you to new places and new horizons no levels of self diagnosis could bring to one.

Take care of one. Please.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to this post quite strongly at the mo.... I'm of the opinion that while self diagnosis for minor ailments is perfectly fine and actually saves everyone time and money, self diagnosis for serious symptons - especially on behalf of loved ones who you end up worrying about - can sometimes be so frightening and misleading or include errors in information, especially when you don't have all the facts or symptoms to hand.
    And, my argument to my particular 'family member' over getting the courage up to making an appointment is that the bad news they dread could actually be good news - and who wants to waste their life worrying about something that could actually not be happening?
    Of course, as you say, researching on the internet could lead to someone kidding themselves that there is nothing actually wrong with them, based purely on someone's post on Yahoo Answers.

    charleyroo xx
