Thursday, 7 April 2011


Recently, I could really really see why people get married. Marriage I suppose is a way of someone saying, I really am going to stick around. How odd. Like, why would we doubt that anyways. How silly?! I could really understand the commitment that came with it and why people would want that. Because It does represent how strong love is. Wow this feels really mental writing that I understood marriage. But don't get me wrong, I may think that, but of course at the end of the day it is all just really a symbol. Some people like symbols, some don't. But the symbol isn't about status. It is an expression. We make our own rules. I think most married people forget they can too.

Perhaps that is why people get divorced so often, or marriage doesn't quite work out. Is that why most freak out and believe marriage isn't for them-because we forget to make our own rules within the relationship? After all, isn't it the individual desires from one, the perspectives and view points from another which set us apart, and bring us together?

Maybe, we forget what type of relationship we can potentially set up for ourselves. At the end of the day, you could say there is no harm in establishing something new, if those involved know where they stand-people usually find something isn't right for them by doing so, or imagining so, or having feelings which clash with their natural instinct in feeling for someone. I suppose we will only know by trying, and of course if it doesn't agree with us-there is no harm in accepting that too. I am sure that for those involved, they will understand and accept differences between the ideal type of set up for one person, and those for another as well.

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