Tuesday, 8 March 2011

A whole new world

This hurts so much
The impending.
There are days when you feel indestructable, so indestructable you forget what emotional pain is, because everything else seems so silly around you there is no way to be able to relate to what the majority feel. One is the minority.  
It is weird how it makes you feel physically sick. Almost like your brain is swelling. Can it handle the knowledge that things are really going to change, and not necessarily for what is going to be enjoyable. 
We know there is a good life ahead-it's there now, but there are so many more good times ahead to engage with and to seize, to be denied it is the most painful part.
You know deep down that you can cope with what there is to come, it just becomes difficult to have in mind the process you know that will become something to go through. Though no-one should feel any responsibility towards it. It is all part of the process of being alone, and letting those who know you to just hug and to hold, as words become empty-like a hollow box.
They may exist but they mean nothing. Regardless, words won't make a difference to what is about to come.
At this moment in time they are useless. But lets get them down anyways to at least work out the creaks in your head. To pad it out like a massage.
And then you get the news and it hits you. And sometimes all you can do is cry. Because there just is no point in fighting it anymore, only more damage to yourself will be caused.

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